Saturday, August 23, 2008

Playing catch up

Lots has happened since my last post, which explains why I haven't actually posted anything until now. My fishing charter was cancelled today, so I have time to post. First off, let's start with biking Johnson Pass trail. I biked it at the end of July with a couple of guys, one of whom is from New Orleans. In his cute southern drawl he mentioned that he "mountain biked" in New Orleans. Despite the lack of a mountain range anywhere near New Orleans, Josh actually did really well and was a real trooper as he experienced his first true "mountain" bike ride. We all had a great time, and true to form, yours truly took a ginormous spill (leaving me with bruises all over my legs which matched my black, white, and yellow dress at Jenn and Darin's wedding, more on that later). The day ended with a Wilco concert at Moose's Tooth...with beer....ahhhhhh. All in all, a fun, wet, muddy day.
Then Mom and Dad arrived for their quick visit. We spent a day on Mags' boat fishing for silvers/cohos. If you've ever read any part of this site before, you know that I have some sort of bizarre affinity for not catching fish. Ever. It's awesome. So, Mom and Dad, "showing the locals how to do it," managed to each catch beautiful silvers while Mags and I went home, skunked again. Beginner's luck. I'm not bitter.

Right before Mom and Dad left for home, I took off to Crested Butte, leaving my folks to fend for themselves in Anchorage. (I knew they could actually catch fish, so they'd be fine.) My friends Jenn and Darin got hitched out in Colorado. I have to say, that was one hell of a wedding. The adventure kicked off with a red eye flight with my friend Charlotte, and upon arriving in Denver, we met up with half of Jenn's Texas family. Whoa, Texas!! Let's just say they were hysterical, and provided enough entertainment to keep Charlotte and I (neither of us slept well on the flight) awake and laughing as we drove towards the Butte. We also got some good blackmail on Jenn, and I can't wait to bust it out. :) I took a day hike with Char, Brent, Val, and the two dogs and nearly melted into the trail. It's fricking hot in Colorado - 102 in Denver when we arrived -but the views were stunning, as were the wild flowers. And so was the wedding! After a very unfashionably late entrance to the reception, the Alaskan contingency showed those Texans what it means to tear up the dance floor. Which reminds me, I may not break out the blackmail on Jenn b/c I'm guessing her wedding photographer got me pretty good while I was dancing the night away. Shoot. Anyway, Jenn and Darin, thank you for such a F-U-N time! It was wonderful to catch up with folks I haven't seen in a long time, to meet your families (who are awesome!), and watch two people who are so right for each other tie the knot. Okay, enough of that.

Soon after arriving back home from Colorado, I took a weekend backpacking trip with Mike and Wrigley. Wrigs just got the "all clear" to be a dog, so I was psyched to have my little buddy with me for the first time since April! We hiked a ways up Crow Pass trail out of Girdwood, camped in the Pass on the first night, and then found our way up a "secret" valley off the main drag for our second night. I love having such a cool place in my "backyard."Then, last weekend, I took my fourth kayak trip of the summer to Caines Head. This was just an overnight trip, but we packed it in with paddling, hiking, and laughing our asses off around the campfire. It was like a time warp - felt like I'd been away for days. Love it when that happens.