I went to Chicago and Wisconsin last week to visit family and friends, and to experience fall one more time. My grandparents have 160 acres in (very) northern Wisconsin - there are 5 cabins, a spring-fed freezing cold lake, and trees galore. I.e., they own a little piece of Heaven. I always like to go for runs while I'm there, and this trip was no exception. As I started one of my runs I thought to myself, "Gee, this is pretty awesome, I don't have to worry about bears or moose." There are black bears there, but in my 30 years of visiting, I've never seen one. Within 15 minutes I'd flushed 7 grouse, 2 deer, and almost splattered my foot in bear scat. Ummm....
I spent a fair bit of time snapping some photos. Here are a few to tickle your fancy.
Mom and Nonie