Last Tuesday Jen and I decided to host a Halloween party at my house on Friday. With only 4 days notice Wrigley started to panic over his costume selection. He went through a gypsy phase, but once he realized that he actually resembled an old lady without teeth, he opted for the ever-popular male ballerina in a tu-tu.

Honestly, Wrigs often stands like a ballerina with his two front paws, so when I saw the skirt while shopping for my costume I couldn't pass it up. Once I put the skirt on Wrigley he seemed a little concerned that he'd be ridiculed by the other dogs (see the furrowed brow?), i.e. Dakota.

Dakota had a cool vampire costume and would NEVER wear a tu-tu.

But, as you can see, Wrigley finally became comfortable in his costume and even took a liking to his new skirt and put on a little dancing show by the end of the night.