Ron, the dogs, and I spent our extended Veterans' Day weekend at the Lost Lake/Dale Clemens Cabin. The trailhead is about 5 miles north of my favorite-so-far Alaskan city, Seward. We got off to a late start on Friday, which was my fault. The weekend destination was a surprise to Ron, so he didn't realize how long it would take to get to wherever it was I was taking him. We arrived at the trailhead at about 5 o'clock. November in Alaska is unforgiving - it was getting dark quickly! We started our short hike (about 2.5 miles) up the mountain towards the cabin with enough light to see the snow-covered trail. But about halfway up we both donned our headlamps. And then the trail disappeared. Whoops. We just kept going up and up and somehow stumbled almost directly into the cabin! In case you're ever in the same predicament, look for this:

The weather was spectacular. We hiked up a ways to get a better view of Resurrection Bay and Seward. Check out the views!!

A post-hike nap: